Peace and Joy though Art

Light and Shadow

I love to capture and paint nature’s moments in my art. I want to paint the peaceful and warm times, like when the sun comes through the blinds, creating patterns with the tree branches and spring flowers on the living room wall.


When I see a big old tree, I fell that is telling me the story of its life.  It tells me how difficult it suffered during many hot summers and stormy winters. I am touched by the endurance of the tree for a long time standing in one place. When I am under tree, I feel warm and secure. I want to express the steadiness of the tree and the sun shine though the branches.


I love to paint the places I have been, and want to give a detailed expression of my feelings through my art work like joy and fear together with sorrow and pleasure and the blessing of God in my life. I saw Heaven from the endless road, and I heard the coming of spring from the wintery trees and the melting icicles.